
Canvas Size

Make your canvas size 800 x 600. Adjust your workspace so you see it all at 100%.

Canvas Color

Make the canvas color blue. Do not use the Paint Bucket! Click off the canvas with black arrow and click on the color square in Properties (or go to Modify>Canvas>Canvas Color and set the color there).


Make sure you have a bitmap layer so you can draw...

Set the Brush color to white, Unnatural>Viscous Alien Paint... 

Draw a few clouds in your sky. Name your bitmap layer "clouds".


Insert a new bitmap layer. 

Set the Brush type to Airbrush>Basic, yellow, size 100 - 200. 

Click a few times in the middle of your stage, until you get a sun you're happy with. 

Select your black arrow tool, then you can move the clouds where you want. 

Also move the "sun" layer under the "clouds" layer.