

  1. Make your canvas size 400 x 400.
  2. Then go View>Grid>Show Grid
  3. View>Grid>Snap to Grid
  4. Now go to View>Grid>Edit Grid... you should see the "Show" and "Snap" options checked.

Set the grid size to 50x50 and light blue color. 

You should see something like this... 


Set the Rectangle tool to no fill, just black stroke (1 pixel-soft).

You will draw rectangles - always starting at the very left, and always going down to the very bottom.

  1. Start at the top left corner, drag out a rectangle 1 square wide, then go down to the bottom. 
  2. Start the next rectangle one row lower on the very left, drag out a rectangle 1 square wider, then go down to the bottom. 
  3. Continue this pattern, each time start one row down, drag out the rectangle one row wider and then down to the bottom until you can't anymore.

Turn off Grid View. Make sure your rectangles are lined up (no thicker lines).

  • If they are not perfectly lined up, there will be thicker or spaced out lines. To fix, just select a rectangle, then use the arrow keys to move left/right/up/down.
  • If you’re not at 100% view you may not see all the edges/lines. 

Delete corners

  1. First select all the rectangles (click and drag over them with the black arrow tool)... 
  2. Then Ungroup them (go to Modify>Ungroup or CTRL+SHIFT+G). In the layers, they'll change from "Rectangles" to "Paths".

  1. Click on the Subselect tool (white arrow). 
  2. Click and drag over the top right corner of the tallest rectangle. This will select the top right corner point.
  3. Then click on the Delete key.

If you didn't do the previous step, it'll warn you that the rectangle must be ungrouped first. Check the box for "Don't show again" and say OK.

Delete the top right corner point of each rectangle. When you've finished, you should have something like this..

Select all your layers and group them (Ctrl+G).  It should say "Group: 8 objects".


Make your canvas bigger (go to Modify>Canvas>Canvas Size).

Change to 800 x 800. Anchor the bottom left so your web will stay in the bottom corner.

Double-click on the Hand tool so the entire canvas fits on our screen.

Copy once (CTRL+C), Paste 3 times (CTRL+V). They'll show up on top of your original so you'll have to move them to see each one. You can tell you have copies in the Layers panel.

Move each web using the black arrow (not the white one!). It'll only work if you click on a black edge, not an empty white part.

One at a time, right-click on a web piece... Transform>... Choose each of the following once:

  • Rotate 180
  • Rotate 90 CW / Flip Horizontal
  • Rotate 90 CCW / Flip Vertical

Move the webs into the corners so they line up. 


Find a picture of an animal/person on the internet and copy and paste it into your web, just make sure it's not hiding/covering any of the web. It can be placed behind. You can also add a landscape behind it.

You can also change the stroke color/thickness of your web.