Cartoon Dog

Step 1

Start by drawing three circles. The top circle for the head, below that a larger circle for the dog's shoulders and the smallest circle for its hind legs.

Step 2

Next, draw an oval across the head to create a muzzle. Make the neck by joining the head to the shoulders. Then draw some joining lines between the shoulders and the hind legs to make the body.

Step 3

Time to draw in the legs. Now dog legs can be tricky, especially the back ones, so try copying the bumps and curves in the picture. Include some ovals at the bottom for paws.

Step 4

Now add the ears and a tail. The ears are two triangles with a line down the middle and the tail is a curvy line, whatever length you like.

Step 5

Remove some of the lines that you don't need.

Step 6

For your dog's face, add the eyes and an upside down triangle for the nose. Draw a few lines onto the paws for detail.

Step 7

With some color your dog is finished.