Gold Foil


Make your canvas about 400x400. Draw out a rectangle to fill the entire canvas. 

Fill with Pattern>Flames.

Add Texture - Grain 10%.

Select the Rectangle with the black arrow tool. Zoom out to 50%, then drag out the handles to stretch out the filled pattern.

Change color

Make sure the black arrow tool is selected! Then go down in the Properties bar and click on the Filters '+' button. Go to Adjust Color>Hue/Saturation.

  1. Make sure you check the box for Colorize
  2. Then change settings to Hue=50, Saturation=60, Lightness=20.


To make the foil shine, sharpen up colors, using the FILTERS button again...

  • Sharpen>... try any of them
  • Adjust Color>Curves - click and drag the line up a bit.