Maple Leaf

starting photo

Open a new FW document, make the canvas size 500 x 500.

Copy the maple leaf picture below and paste it. 

It's very small, so you're going to make it bigger using the . Scale tool. 

Also bring down the opacity so it's easier to trace. It'll be blurry, but that's okay, when we're done tracing it, we'll hide it. We won't be tracing the stem.


Some things to remember:

  • Don't forget, you can hold CTRL to move a point as you're drawing.
  • Also you can click on the last point to get rid of the automatic curving.
  • Try to keep your points to a minimum, only click at the points of the leaf as much as possible!

Select the Pen tool. Set it to no fill, 1 pixel stroke any color.

Start at the bottom of the leaf in the middle. Just click to create the first point. Then half way to the next point, click and drag.

Click and drag to get to the point of the leaf. Then click again on that point to get rid of the automatic curving.

Click and drag for the next point, then click to remove auto-curving. Repeat this process for the rest of the leaf til you're back to the beginning.

If you hide the photo layer and select your drawing with the white arrow tool, you should see the points and curve handles like this...

Fill & Effects

Fill the leaf with a Radial gradient, choosing any 2 colors colors.

Fill with a Texture.

Make sure you remove the stroke.

Also add an Inner Bevel filter/effect.