Giraffe 2 

  • Find a cartoon giraffe picture you'd like to draw. Copy it into a new FW document
  • Reduce/increase the image size so it's about 600 x 600.
  • Reduce the opacity of the picture layer to ~50% and lock it.

Combining shapes

  • Select a shape (ie Ellipse tool), set the fill to “none” and the stroke to 1-pixel soft, red (want an easy-to-see color as we trace).
  • Adjust your shapes with the Subselect tool as needed.
  • Then Combine Paths into one shape using “Union”.

Pen Tool


Choose the Pen tool, setting the Fill to “none”, the Stroke to a 1-pixel soft, red.

Click, click-and-drag to trace your giraffe. Don’t forget to stop auto-curving by clicking on the last point, holding CTRL to move the point as you are drawing it. Close your shape.

Use the Subselect tool to adjust the curves and points, delete points. You can draw shapes and combine (union) for parts where you want perfect circles.

Fill body with color – hide the layer folder to work on the rest.

Inside/other parts

  • Eyes - draw the eyes – white and pupil in their own layer folder; use Ellipse tool, no stroke.
  • Nose Holes–using the Ellipse tool. Once you have the shape drawn, change the fill to grey, no stroke.


Spots – create a new layer folder. Lock the previous one with other stuff in it. Start by drawing ovals.

  • Ears: draw these in this layer folder (want them to be the same color as the spots).
  • Neck: Then use the Knife tool to cut at the top and bottom along the neck. Use the black arrow to select the path off the giraffe and delete it.
  • Body: these spots/parts need a rounded edge – draw oval and adjust points.
  • Click on the layer folder/top (selects everything in the folder), and change the fill to the color and stroke to "none".